Feel Good Stories with Penny Abela

Feel Good Story with Penny

The best paint and sip stories aren’t about artworks, they are about YOU. We’ve reached out to some incredible people who we’ve met in our studios across the country.

Olivia from Pinot & Picasso chatted with Penny Abela from Sydney about her first experience at Pinot & Picasso, why she’s attended over 80 sessions and why she keeps coming back time and again.

1. When was your first Pinot & Picasso session, and how did you hear about Pinot & Picasso?

A great way to start with a complicated one! 

It was July 10, 2020. The painting was Dusk til Dawn for my first session. I walked past a pop up of Pinot & PIcasso in Wollongong the day of my husband’s funeral. I just remember looking in and seeing all those people having a great time and I could hear lots of laughter.  

About 18 months later, I drove past the Wollongong studio and it just came back to me. That’s what all those people were doing so I jumped online, booked in and never looked back. 

2. You’ve done over 87 sessions now. What keeps you coming back to our studios again and again?

It’s a fun way to spend a few hours. You always meet new people and often you know someone else in the session. 

I also like to learn new techniques and each host instructs a bit differently and they can always give you hints and tips. There’s always new artworks to do. The sessions are relaxing and I think art is great for mental health.

Penny at the first Neon Nights session in Wollongong

3. Have you done many sessions on your own? Who have you come to a session with?

I’ve done lots of sessions solo. I don’t think doing something solo should stop you going as there is always other people to talk to and it’s amazing the friends you make and people you meet. 

I’ve been with one friend and 10 friends and every number in between.

4. What would you say to someone who was thinking about going to a Pinot & Picasso session, but haven’t yet?

Just do it! It’s just not possible to not have a great time.  Everything you need to paint with is provided.

If you doubt your painting ability, just remember that every painting is different, they’re sisters not twins! Each step is explained and demonstrated and the host is always there to help.

Once you put that first blob of paint on the canvas, you’re on your way. I’ve been in a session and the host said “that looks nothing like that”, I said thanks! You can be as creative as you want or just follow along.  You can change up the colours if you like.

5. Do you feel more confident in your artistic abilities? Did you have any artistic experience before going to a Pinot & Picasso session?

I had absolutely no artistic abilities going in, I was just really curious to try something totally different out of my comfort zone.

I do feel a bit more confident and I think I’m faster. I find I can sometimes help the other people in the session with blending colours, little tips and always say paint your edges. 

Plus always put your water jug on your dominant side (not your wine glass side) cause I’ve seen plenty of paint brushes ruin a good glass of champagne, I’ve done it myself! 

6. Have you made any new friends from attending a Pinot & Picasso session? If so, tell us about those friendships.

I’ve made several new friends through Pinot & Picasso. It’s amazing how much conversation you can have in two hours.  

A few new friends and I go to sessions together plus we’ve had a few adventures outside of Pinot & Picasso, celebrated birthdays together and had shopping and concert trips.  

I’ve done a few sessions in the Sydney CBD studio and even made some new Sydney friends. 

Penny at her 50th Pinot and Picasso session in Wollongong

7. Are there any particular sessions you remember fondly?

My 50th Pinot & Picasso session was the launch of the glow in the dark ‘Neon Nights’ sessions in Wollongong. It was torrentially pouring with rain and even I wanted to cancel but we went ahead and everyone turned up. 

The Pinot & Picasso founders James and Aaron and franchise owner Caitlin presented me with my very own apron with my name on it!

Then there was my 70th session which was also my birthday, it involved some vodka cruisers and cake but that’s a story for another day…

What’s your story?

Your creative journey starts with your first brush stroke. Explore your inner artist and paint your own story at Pinot & Picasso.

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